Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Beginning a Travel Journey of Life

Since this is my very first post, let me start by telling you something about myself. I have an artistic soul. I tend to see beauty in everything. Well, almost everything. I can at least find something interesting and maybe stretch it to cover beauty. I also love to travel and have been to many interesting places around the world.
My favorite things are animals and plants (especially flowers). I enjoy seeing how the species and varieties vary from place to place . And I love to take photos, so I will be including many of  those in my posts as well.

I chose the title, "A Travel Journey of Life" because I feel that every experience is another step in life's journey. Each has its own importance, whether good or bad, in that journey.  I want to share my travel experiences and also other interesting steps in the journey of my sixty-something life. I am looking forward to sharing and hope you will find my stories interesting.

Here is a little taste of some of the places we will be going in future posts, both within the United States and internationally. I am anticipating a long journey and would love to have you join me.

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