Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dream Trip - Galapagos Islands Part 5

In this segment of the Galapagos Islands story, I will cover a few additional places we visited.

On the street that leads to the Darwin Center there are some small beaches. We spent some time there  relaxing and watching some really cool-looking crabs.

In the evening in Puerto Ayora, there is one street where the restaurants bring their tables and chairs out onto the street. There you can stroll down the street and browse along the kiosks, choose the food that is most appealing then sit right down and enjoy. Many of the restaurants have cases set up outside displaying fresh seafood. The atmosphere is very lively and it is a fun way to spend an evening. Unfortunately I did not get any photos of this, but it is a sight to see.

La Laguna de las Ninfas

On a day that we had nothing special planned, we were walking around the town and came across this place. It is a beautiful area with a boardwalk going through the mangrove trees with fresh water pools that flow into the ocean. There were many birds. It was peaceful to walk through the trees by the water.

Some interesting sights around Puerto Ayora ---


Grocery Shopping
         Grocery Shopping
Beautiful statue in front of a school




A wall outside a school with broken glass cemented into the top. Security??

In the next post I will wrap up this trip with some final thoughts and photos.




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